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Need an update of how we are making an impact? Read about it here to stay connected.
Care Packages to Saint Francis
We recently visited the Smilow Cancer Center at Saint Francis Hospital to deliver 25 care packages to lung cancer patients. These bags were filled with blankets, chapstick, hand warmers, coloring & puzzle books, $50 Stop & Shop gift cards and more - in hopes of comforting these warriors during their fight.

2024 Dana-Farber Visit

In early October, we met with the amazing lung cancer research team at Dana-Farber and were able to see their lab. We learned about the new research they are working on and were given the option of choosing which research initiative we wanted our funds to be put towards. Our options were: (1) continue research on lung cancer in nonsmokers, (2) research on early detection and preventive care for nonsmokers (preventive care currently only exists for smokers), and (3) furthering research on a new T cell treatment that already exists for other cancers (this treatment involves extracting your own T cells, reengineering them to fight the cancer and then putting them back into your body to latch onto the cancer cell(s) and ultimately destroy them. With the help of friends on social media we ended up going with option number 3.

Birdies for Charity
This year, we have decided to partner with Birdies for Charity, a giving platform that provides a larger voice to small non-profits like ours! The best part, we receive 115% of donations which helps meet our mission even faster. Learn more about Birdies for Charity or make a donation on our page directly. Donation collections through this program end at midnight on June 23rd.

A Thank You from Dr. Awad
Dr. Awad has received the generous donation to his research fund that was made possible thanks to all of you. Check out this video that he put together to express his gratitude for your support.
$100,000 Pledge to Dana-Farber Research
The Angela Marotta Inho Foundation has signed an agreement with Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and has pledged to donate $100,000 over a 5-year period to Dr. Awad's lung cancer research. This will allow Dr. Awad and his team to plan for the future as well as give Angela Marotta Inho a named memorial fund.

Official Partner of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
In March 2023, The Angela Marotta Inho Foundation and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute signed an official partnership. The partnership has allowed the foundation to continue Angela's fight, meet our mission and has created many opportunities for growth.
Why the Angela Marotta Inho Foundation
As a small non-profit organization and a family that has personally been affected by lung cancer, it is our goal to advance research and care for all those impacted by this disease.
We are supporting lung cancer research by donating all proceeds directly to lung cancer research at Dana- Farber Cancer Institute.
We are working to reduce the stigma associated with lung cancer by raising awareness that anyone can be affected- smokers & nonsmokers.
We are building a strong community for lung cancer patients and their families.